Welcome to
Reclamation Clubhouse!
Provide the opportunity for members to experience meaningful work, build relationships and gain independence while developing the confidence and skills to be successful within the community.
A community-based effort to enhance the lives of people living with mental illness and provide ongoing support for members to successfully achieve their highest potential.
Free and open to adults facing mental health challenges. Becoming a member of our community is simple and we are here to help. Click here to find us! Reach out if you are looking for a place that focuses on belonging, wellness, and purpose.
Whether helping in the kitchen or answering the phones, providing work in a community environment will bring feelings of hope and belonging for people living with mental health diagnoses.
We believe in empowerment so adults living with mental health diagnoses can play a successful and meaningful role as co-workers, colleagues, family members and friends.
I did it! Completing tasks and reaching personal goals, like employment, gives members a feeling of accomplishment, which leads to self-confidence and positive self-image.
Engaging in a wellness effort can make a huge difference in the quality of our members’ lives and is an ongoing process of making choices toward a healthier and successful life.
Looking to gain confidence and employment? Clubhouse can help. Learn more!
Interested in education resources and expanding your knowledge? Clubhouse is here for you.

Staff, Advisory Council & Members work side-by-side to do the work of the Clubhouse and ensure a positive and growing community that the members feel welcomed in.
What is a Clubhouse?
The ‘clubhouse model’ is a dynamic community center giving purpose to individuals who are living with a mental health diagnosis. Members of the clubhouse work as colleagues along with staff to run the multidimensional center. This co-working model provides unique opportunities for members to build confidence, gain skills, support one-another, develop relationships and feel empowerment and sense of purpose. There are a variety of opportunities for members like employment, education, wellness and more.
Why a Clubhouse?
Benefits of being a member:
Improves overall mental health
Reduces loneliness
Enlarges social networks
Creates community involvement Decreases psychiatric symptoms improves self-esteem
Community cost saving:
More than 50% of people with severe mental illness living in Kansas experience multiple hospitalizations with an average stay of 8 days costing the Medicaid program $8000 each visit
Only 6% of people with serieous mental illness that are active in the clubhouse program are re-hospitalized.
How does it help?
Members are given the opportunity for employment within the community with the guidance of a staff member. Members are involved in the day-to-day operations of running the clubhouse; such as menu selections, food preparations, answering the phones, cleaning and maintenance of the clubhouse, selecting activities and events planning, and being a part of the workforce within a clubhouse business. Members can learn new skills, which makes them marketable to businesses in the community.