There’s nothing quite like connecting with a community that “get’s it”
We call them Courage Groups – because of the courage we see in those facing mental illness!
You can find an {IN}Courage group for those who live with a severe or persistent mental illness or {EN}Courage group for the loved ones, care givers or friends. The groups are open (come when you need us) and are facilitated by a trained peer that has experienced the reality of the group. Your questions are welcome, though we want to hear about your fears and frustrations too. You will find empathy, validation, confronting of fears, social Interaction, networking, a resource library, information on community services, caring and sharing.

Groups will not meet when local schools are canceled due to inclement weather.
Also no meetings will be held if they fall on a major holiday.
Hosting Groups at PTH
Pathway to Hope is committed to serving the community and its needs. If you would like to partner and facilitate a support group out of our Pathway to Hope location, please reach out to Akeem Curns at: